3 November: A sightseeing day with Racco. At Gifu Park: a fountain, a statue, and the castle on top of the mountain in the background.

Cable cars up & down the mountain slope.

Pagoda on the mountainside.

The donjon (and the moon to its left, if you look carefully.)

View from the top.

On display inside the castle: a nice & furry sword cover (used by Oda Nobunaga.)

A collection of shuriken - throwing knives used by ninjas.
An interesting candle stand: a kappa (river sprite) reading a book under the light from the candle on its head.

Back on the ground, we have a look at the chrysanthemum flower show.

There are some *huge* ones!

And dolls of historical figures, decorated with flowers.

On the waterfront too.

At the nearby Shohoji temple: Usako looking up at the huge, wooden Buddha (13.7m, supposedly one of the biggest in Japan.)

In the evening we hit this izakaya, Tora, with sake bottles (presumably all empty) lined up outside.

Grilled squid - goes well with sake (of which we try 4 brands tonight :-)

Kousa encounters some more huge amaebi, this time crisply fried.
We finish the evening off at Bierhall, where Usako meets a fellow Scot. The guy looks like he's tied up and waiting for punishment...

UsaKousa raiding Racco's "Half & Half" (half guiness, half lager)
(© Youmi Suzuki)

(© Youmi Suzuki)

To Part 4