From the first-floor balcony of this house, Hilmar Örn Hilmarson, Steindór Andersen and Rósa Jóhannesdóttir are giving 2 short performances of traditional verses (rimur) and music this afternoon. The first show is supposed to be on, but in the true Icelandic fashion, the setting up takes longer than expected, and the performance starts with a half-hour delay... ;-)

Hilmar connecting up all the hardware upstairs, while the guard in a period costume knits outside the front door, and a visitor looking out of the windown behind her.

One corner of the ground floor of the house is an (original) little shop, which is still open and selling sweets, souvenirs, herbs (from the farm, I presume), etc. We found these kids' tin buckets with bunnies and other animals on them in the window. (The sacks above them contain flour.)

The audience. (Well, there were more people sitting on the lawn further back.)

And some audience in the period costume. I thought the one on the right was cutting a piece of bread, but on closer inspection she was carving a piece of wood. It looked distinctively phallic - I suppose she must have been making Thor's Hammer.

Steindór & Hilmar

Rósa & Hilmar

Steindór & Rósa

A plane flying overhead while Steindór performs. (Apologies for this near obsession with small aircrafts!)
Between the two performances, a member of the Icelandic Ásatrú Association (Norse Pagan religion, which is a respected and important part of the culture here) gave a brief talk & demonstration about the importance of the four elements (fire, water, wind, earth) and how to pay respect to those elements.

And some cute, red flowers we found on the museum grounds

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